Stig Floberghagen Landscape Photographer from Norway

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Late october in Jotunheimen

Here are some photograhs from my last trip to Jotunheimen. Finally decided to do a short trip due to the fresh snow and the fact that the mountain roads were still open.

The first stop was at Bukkespranget in Sjoadalen. Can`t remember being there before. Nice spot with some interesting river and rock formations. It was mid day so not a very interesting light. So had to foucus on the landscape and try to avoid the sky. Just before I left the light began to change a bit so I got this photo with some glow in the clouds. The photo is photo stacked from 3 or 4 different exposures.

The rest of the day didn`t turn out quite the way it was planned due to the weather. The plan was to drive to Sognefjellet and do some sunset photography, but the weather changed fast for the worse. This is in Lom just when the weather changed. Mist, rain and heavy winds made for som great light.

This one is from Leirdalen and the peak is Skabsnebb. Heavy snow with a few moments of clear views made for a nice contrast. Then it came about 10 cm of snow and I had to turn back before the raod was closed for the night. Did get some nice waterfall photographs though.

Woke up at 5 am. and headed to Valdreflye and Gjende region of Jotunheimen. This photo is from about 8 am in the morning. I have a lot of photos walking up to Bessvatnet before sunrie. Great place with rivers, waterfalls and mountains in all directions. Amazing mood and conditions that morning.

Just before sunrise looking east

Some amazing dark red glow on Besshøe before the actual sunrise. The light was reflected from the clouds

The view to the north later in the day

I was not expecting any wildlife, but came across a few grouses in their winter habit. This one came out pretty well I think. The grouse is enjoying the view to the south. They were not that shy as you`d think